Security Center

 Security Center 


The security department has built a professional security team of 40 people and strengthened the security force. Regularly organize and participate in emergency rescue drills such as fire fighting, epidemic prevention, food hygiene, counter-terrorism and flood control (ice cream), ensure that employees are familiar with and correctly use various rescue and fire-fighting facilities and equipment, improve the pertinence and operability of the plan, and ensure that sufficient forces are organized at the first time to quickly arrive and deal with effectively in case of danger, so as to make full preparations for emergency rescue. Gradually strengthen the construction of technical prevention facilities and give play to the role of technical prevention. Install video surveillance, emergency rescue telephone, voice broadcast, one button alarm, air defense alarm and other facilities in main areas to realize intelligent prevention and control. Strengthen network security prevention and control, maintain network and information security, and realize the scientization, informatization and intelligence of security prevention facilities, so as to improve the technical prevention ability.


◤  Online rescue  ◢


Park complaint hotline: 0911-4831001


Park consultation telephone: 0911-4838030  


Park rescue telephone: 0911-4831119

Complaints and suggestions

Complaints and suggestions

Contact information

Contact information

Hukou Waterfall tourist area of the Yellow River

Hukou Waterfall tourist area of the Yellow River

Hukou waterfall is the stream waterfall in the world and the only mobile and latent waterfall in the world. The Yellow River flows through the Yichuan section of the qinjin gorge. The surging Yellow River water surges from the kilometer river bed and suddenly returns to the "dragon trough" with a width of 20-30 meters, pouring like a hukou, forming an extremely spectacular waterfall group. Hukou waterfall has different scenery in four seasons and eight natural landscapes with their own characteristics. The surging waves stir the voice of the nation and move forward bravely to show Chinese integrity. It is dazzling and shining. It has been known as "the heart of the Yellow River and the soul of the nation" by Chinese people。

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Hukou Waterfall tourist area of the Yellow River

Hukou Waterfall tourist area of the Yellow River

address:Shaanxi ProvinceYan'an CityYichuan townHukou Waterfall tourist area of the Yellow RiverScenic spots

Copyright© Shaanxi Yellow River Hukou Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd  All Rights Reserved   陕ICP备2021009728号-1  友情链接:宜川县人民政府   技术支持:云创科技